Saturday, December 10, 2011

15 Fluid Apps You Can Build for Your Business

Steven Walling has some really cool recommendations for people who want more out of their desktops. Especially, if most of the activities, work or research actually starts and end in web browsers.

What's really striking is simplicity of the software he writes about, Fluid Apps - all you really need to do is to know your URL, pick a name for your app, a location on your machine, and an icon. That's all it takes.

For more of his insights, check out 15 Fluid Apps You Can Build for Your Business on ReadWrite Enterprise blog.


Unknown said...

Dzięki za info o takiej aplikacji, szukałem takiej wcześniej.

Dominik Ras said...

Ciesze sie ze Ci sie ten skormny post sie przydal Robert. Dzieki za przyjazny komentarz!