Sunday, November 27, 2011

XSDObjectGen - XSD to class - Sample Code Generator

Vinbhat posted a cool step-by-step list of instructions or dealing with XSD and classes using C# Visual Studio solution. HE listed all his hints in his WordPress blog "Exporting Data: Creating XML Files using C#".

Recently, I noticed that for something a bit more flexible than xsd.exe mentioned in Vinbhat's Step 5, you can always use XSDObjectGen from Microsoft:

I've used it many time to ome to a conclusion that it's super helpful if your XSD contains complex type that are defined by other XSD files. XSD.exe would choke on that - XSDObjectGen will interactively address that setup with you and automatically detect all complex types (related XSD') like that.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mapping DataSet to XML and backwards

In case you were wondering how to get the best out of simplest XSD applications, Xun Ding has some hints for you on I just stumbled this article some time ago and it hit me how much easier it is to follow than anything else that comes up on top of Google search results on XSD (XML Schema definitions). to Check it out:

Mapping DataSet to XML and backwards