Monday, June 20, 2005

What is gcasDtServ.exe? Should I worry about it?

gcasDtServ.exe takes vast resources at the startup. Without it the startup may impove upto one minute on a W2k platform. Malware can be named anything so I recommend searching for the file on the HDD and seing where it is running from.
GcasDtServ.exe should be placed in \System32 folder. It associated with MS Antispyware. MS claims it is an essential component of the their Antispyware server.
Do not terminate the process, however, if it becomes a real nightmare, double check where the executable is runnig from.

Good Luck.

Any other suggestions?

Monday, June 13, 2005

CiceroUiWndFrame not responding

Very often, when shutting down, I get a dialog box... with title that says End Program - CiceroUIWndFrame not responding.
I can click cancel or End Task to kill the pop up and continue shutting down.
I'm running the XP Home with all the latest critical updates and service pack 2

Please advise.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

IIS - Server Application Error

When I attept to access localhost I get this:

Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.

I created new Virtual folder, I restarted IIS on my w2k machine but still get the Error message. I am not trying any crazy asp files - only the simplest, plain http://localhost/

Does anybody have any suggestions?